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What is Positive Psychotherapy?

· Positive Psychotherapy is based on a psychodynamic concept, with a humanistic conception of man, and trans cultural approach, based on psychodynamic concept.

· Positive” it doesn’t mean that everything should be seen positively, but approach toward the problem have to be seen from the all forms, aspects.

· The main objective in Positive Psychotherapy is systematic application and development with the structured methodology about the quality of life.

Positive Psychotherapy is short term where the treatment lasts less than at the other psychoanalytic approaches

· Disorders and conflicts are not only figures or facts, but human being in the same time has capacities to confront with them.

· Positive Psychotherapy conform that man posses two types of capacities
1. capacity to love
2. capacity to know

· On Positive Psychotherapy clients and the patients get to change their roles from the patient to the therapist

Positive Psychotherapy offers possibility of essential concepts on treatment of all disease and conflicts. This approach includes concepts on which can be used different methods and schools and different psychotherapeutic directions.

Positive Psychotherapy has three levels of  its approach
1. Level of positive start
2. Creation of balance model
3. Five stages on Positive Psychotherapy

Positive Psychotherapi principle
Principle of hope
Principle of balance
Principle of consultation

Positive Psychotherapy basic concepts
Positive concept on psychotherapy –trans cultural aspects
Concept of content and conflict dynamics –meta communication
Five integral stages on Positive Psychotherapy –meta theory

Balance Model on Positive Psychotherapy is consists from four aspects:

Positive  Psychotherapy treatment has five integral levels:
Situation encouragement
Broadening of Goals

Positive Psychotherapy in itself has methods   and techniques for the treatment of different disorders and disease
Stories, anecdotes, fairy tails, thoughts of famous people and citrates from the different sources has been applied in positive psychotherapy.