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Steps of developing the Positive Psychotherapy in Kosova

Step one.

Mr. Sci Enver Çesko, MA, the accredited body psychotherapist from EABP, has attended in 2nd World Congress of Psychotherapy in Vienna 1999. He had chance to meet with colleagues from Positive Psychotherapy and family Peseschkian. It was the first steps of building the bridges between Positive Psychotherapy and development of Psychotherapy in Kosova. In language and aspects of Positive Psychotherapy this was the first aspect – Body and Sensitive.

Step two
In 2000 Enver Çesko was shown interest to present his work in 2nd World Congress of Positive Psychotherapy, which was held in Wiesbaden. The Scientific Committee of WCPP has been invited him to attend and present his work. In that Congress he strength his personal wish with Positive Psychotherapy and became the member of family in Positive Psychotherapy. He was elected as national delegate of the International Advisor Board for Regional Positive Psychotherapy. For that time he was working on self development proces in Positive Psychotherapy in Kosova. One year late he didn’t have chance to attended in International seminar for Positive Psychotherapy which was done in Wiesbaden. But after two years in Vienna was  the 3th World Congress for Psychotherapy and International Centre for Positive Psychotherapy was organized the next International Seminar for basic and advance trainers in PP. This was the last that he was alone representative from Kosova in Positive Psychotherapy family. In that training seminar Enver Çesko had a meeting with Hamid Peseschkian about organizing the first seminar on Positive Psychotherapy in Kosova. It has to do a lot, starting from preparations and organizations of participants. By the end of that meeting both of them agree and believed for the coming year to do the first training seminar in Kosova.Aspect of achievement was deeply working in development of Positive Psychotherapy in Kosova.

Step three
Introducing the concepts of Positive Psychotherapy with professionals in different mental health centers, from Enver Çesko, was useful and benefit for accepting the concepts of Positive Psychotherapy by them. In one meeting with members of Kosova Association for Psychotherapy in Prishtina, we all agreed that we should organized the training seminar in  Kosova.
First training seminar was done on May 2003 in Prishtina University Medical Faculty were attended 75 participants, mostly students of psychology, doctors, neuro-psychiatrists and social workers. It was two and half day seminar. In that seminar two of becoming trainers from Positive Psychotherapy signed their names. Afrim Blyta and Jusuf Ulaj started with their training program in PP.
Coming International training seminar was held in Varna, September 2003 and from Kosova were participated Enver Çesko, Afrim Blyta and Jusuf Ulaj. On January 2004 three of us was accepted from ICPP to do advanced training for trainers for five days.

Second training seminar was done on June 2004 in the same place and with almost same participants and with possibilities for one day before for new-interested participants. The number of new participants was more then 20 and the old of them were around 60. Introducing of basic concepts for new participants was done from Enver Çesko. The two and half day was for advanced participants. Hamid Peseschkian has done both these training seminars.
After this seminar, three basic trainers from Kosova step by step put their roots on building and developing of PP in Kosova. The followed International seminar for advanced trainers done in Odessa 2004 was very powerful for three trainers from Kosova.
Year 2005 is strengthens of developing the human capacities in Positive Psychotherapy. Now in Kosova we have three diploma trainers for basic course which Enver, Afrim and Jusuf attended in Ankara training seminar organized from Turkish Center for PP.
Contact and relations with national and international professionals in this step characterized developing the aspect of Contact.

Step four
The main objective in coming time is establishing the Kosova Center for Positive Psychotherapy/KCPP/. This has to be as soon as possible. For that we have great support and from ICPP. We are looking administrative modalities for registration of Centre. The goal and objectives of Kosova Centre for Positive Psychotherapy should be developing the positive approach in psychotherapy using the Tran cultural attitudes between different ethnic groups and spreading the experiences in neighborhood cultures. One of main objective of KCPP has to organize ongoing training seminars, workshops, and supervisions for new and old groups. In very near time KCPP are planning to organize the first International training seminar in PP, and in the future also the International Conference in Positive Psychotherapy.
Third national training seminar for basic course is confirmed to hold from 13 to 16 May 2005 in Prishtina University.
Our three trainers are planning to do supervision sessions with participants from basic course how to prepare their cases to complete program from basic course.
Next advanced training seminar for trainers, which will be chance for our three trainers, will be in Transylvania-Romania where our three trainers will present their autochthonic   experiences as trainers on PP.

· Kosova Centre for Positive Psychotherapy is an abranch of Kosova Association for Psychotherapy (KAP)

· KCPP has been established as a school and its working under the umbrella of Kosova Association for Psychotherapy

· Kosova Centre for Positive Psychotherapy (KCPP) is a centre which will offer education, seminars, training and supervision for its members also for everybody who will show interest for positive approach.

· Kosova Centre for Positive Psychotherapy until now organized trainings and seminars for students of psychology, psychiatric practitioners  and other mental health workers in Kosova

· Some members of Kosova Centre for Positive Psychotherapy have participated in international congresses and trainings for Positive Psychotherapy.

· Kosova Centre for Positive Psychotherapy in itself has qualified trainers from the International Centre for Positive Psychotherapy.

· Kosova Centre for Positive Psychotherapy is active board member at the International Centre for Positive Psychotherapy based in Wiesbaden.

· Basic education from the Positive Psychotherapy needs 120 hours practical work, theory, self-experience and supervision

· Education for Master consist 600 hours practical work, theory, self-experience and supervision.

· All this implicates qualification towards standards to acquire European Certificate for Psychotherapy.